Melodies in the storm

Recently, a storm passed over my house. It was one of those loud storms that shakes the house with thunder’s rumbles. The rain fell quickly, a sheet of clear drops that obscured my view, and the wind moaned as it bent trees and bushes, knocking dead branches to the ground. It was a furious storm. 

When the most intense part of the storm had passed, a melody caught my attention. A small songbird was calling out in the dying storm. She was singing in the rain. She was celebrating the end of the storm— before it had even ended. 

Sometimes when I talk to people about Ecuador, they ask if I have seen miracles. I know what they are asking. They are asking if I have seen people physically healed. But, the stories of significant healing that I long to tell them come out of the Hope House. Stories of girls who learn how to trust. Young women who have been betrayed and hurt, offer genuine forgiveness. Girls who have been told they will amount to nothing, not only become confident in who they are, but become encouragers themselves. Girls who come from desperate circumstances, sharing hope with others. Girls who shine the love of Christ to both friends and strangers. Young women who flourish. 

I have seen girls who didn’t believe they could sing radiate joy as their voices joined in the Easter and Christmas celebrations. I have seen young women rise together when they realized that their story has a purpose and power. Even though these girls are in the storm of life, they are learning to find their song.

Dear reader, if you are in the storm of life, don’t give up. The wind might still be bending the branches you are sheltering under- but don’t give up. Even if the rain is pelting you, don’t give up. You may not have found your song yet, but you have a song to sing. When the storm slows, your melody will be clear and firm, turning attention from darkness to beauty. The miracle within you will be revealed.

So, yes, I have seen many miracles. Miracles that I believe will affect generations. Miracles that started in one girl’s heart, but will spread to families, villages, and provinces. I have seen these young ladies singing in the storm, and their melody is even more beautiful than a songbird’s. 
