What I´ll Never Understand

A thought that comes to my mind often is that there is no way I can truly understand the fullness of God´s plans. I will never comprehend on this side of heaven the reasoning behind the way things unfold in my life or the lives of others.

I will never understand why a 12 year old girl in the Jungle will experience horrible things at no fault of her own. I will never understand why the reality is that it takes removing these girls from their homes and their families to keep them safe and ensure that they receive an education.

But I will also never understand how God can take such a broken young girl and give her hope and joy as if she had never experienced the pain and hurt. I will never comprehend the power and love that wraps a 17 girl in it’s arms and heals her heart and allows her to forgive those who have deeply broken her trust.

As a staff member of the Ecuador Hope House I have heard many of our girls´stories. I have seen the residue of a painful past on many faces. I have wondered ¨why¨ more times than I can remember. But today as I sit and think about all that God has done in every single one of these girls´ lives, I know that His ways are truly higher. His thoughts are truly so far beyond what my little brain can comprehend.

I will never truly understand, but if I’ve learned anything during my time here at the Ecuador Hope House, it’s to trust Him. He never lets us down.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Isaiah 55:8-9
